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Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

*UPDATE* Me in "Strangled Navel" Movie ...

Hey all,
today I added another Strangle & Navel Fetish Movie with me, called "Strangled Navel"!
The Story Background:
I am captured and sitting in a dark room! Someone turns the light on and i getting nervous! Then a guy walks behind me and strangled me around my neck, i try to fight i try to breathe and struggle in my binds! I die really really slowly with heavy breathing and moaning! The Guy released my death body and places me on the ground, then he starts to play with his knife over my body, specially at my Belly Navel! After he plays long with it, he stab me deep inside my navel and the blood floods out!

Here is a Vidcap Slideshow to show you the Movie

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And please watch over my blog and the older entrys too
REMEMBER: To help future Productions you can always use the donate Button on the top Page of my Blog! Everything helps the Productions! 
Huggies ;-)

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